
Many Tenx comamnds and configuration options take glob patterns as arguments. The syntax for these patterns are as follows1:

  • ? matches any single character.
  • * matches zero or more characters.
  • ** recursively matches directories but are only legal in three situations. First, if the glob starts with **/, then it matches all directories. For example, **/foo matches foo and bar/foo but not foo/bar. Secondly, if the glob ends with /**, then it matches all sub-entries. For example, foo/** matches foo/a and foo/a/b, but not foo. Thirdly, if the glob contains /**/ anywhere within the pattern, then it matches zero or more directories. Using ** anywhere else is illegal (N.B. the glob ** is allowed and means "match everything").
  • {a,b} matches a or b where a and b are arbitrary glob patterns. (N.B. Nesting {...} is not allowed.)
  • [ab] matches a or b where a and b are characters. Use [!ab] to match any character except for a and b.
  • Metacharacters such as * and ? can be escaped with character class notation. e.g., [*] matches *.

In some places, negative globs are allowed. These are globs that start with !, and they exclude files that match the pattern. For example, !**/*.rs would exclude all Rust files from a set of files.


From docs for the globset crate.