Tenx uses RON (Rusty Object Notation) for its config files. Configuraton comes from three sources, in order of precedence:
- Project configuration in
- Global configuration at
1 - Defaults created by tenx on startup
The location of the project configuration file also determines the project root
(unless over-ridden). The first thing you should do when setting up Tnex is to
create a .tenx.ron
file in the root of your project.
cd ./my/project
touch .tenx.ron
You can view the full current configuration with:
tenx config
And you can view the configuration defaults with:
tenx config --defaults
These commands output the configuration in RON format, so this is also a good way to get an overview of the configuration format.
Quick Example
Here's a minimal example from the Tenx project itself:
retry_limit: 18,
context: (
ruskel: ["libtenx"]
checks: (
enable: ["cargo-clippy"]
This bumps the retry limit, adds a ruskel skeleton of libtenx (Tenx's own library) as context, and enables the cargo-clippy check, which is not enabled by default.
This may actually be different based on your XDG configuration.